Redesigning your Website in 2019? Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Now

The idea of revamping your website in the new year seems the best. Take note that the new layout brings numerous benefits as well. Your website creates the first impression of your company to a visitor.

So, make sure it is up to the mark and tells your story. Not only this, a cutting-edge website design makes it easier for users to scroll through each page without any hassle. When users find your website worthy, they are likely to visit it again which is crucial to increase traffic too.

For top-notch and innovative website designs, you can consider to get the job done perfectly. If you are wondering whether a new design will worth it or not, here is why need to start planning on an urgent basis.

Be Consistent

Not only your homepage but all pages on your website needs consistency. It is crucial to building a user-friendly website. Moreover, to minimize confusion among your users, make sure to work on certain factors carefully.

For example, you need to keep navigation and color scheme similar to each of your website to provide the best user experience. On the other hand, consistency also matters when it comes to different browsers and device types.

It obvious that your users will access your website through a different device. It can include a tablet, a smartphone, or even a laptop. Some might opt for Google Chrome or users might prefer Internet Safari. Therefore, keep your website consistent so that it works well on each device and browser.

Relevant Content

Do not forget content when planning your new website design. They call it ‘king’ for a reason. Take note that the content you put up on your website caters to the needs of users. You can make a visitor your potential buyer with the help of relevant content.

This simply means that navigation should be comprehensive along with easy to use interface. Plus, the design of your website should not distract content in any way. But, this step does not indicate that design or function is not valuable.

A website should appeal to users. Despite that, it should also provide accurate information that a user is looking for so that they visit your website again.

Focus on Speed

Page loading speed also determines the interest of a user. This is why many website owners look for methods to maintain the speed. Most importantly, people use mobile phones to access a website which typically has a slower connection than desktop computers.

So, the issue of page loading speed is a crucial factor. Google has conducted a survey that concludes that users do not spend more than three seconds on a page that does not load in the given time.

In current times, users measure the credibility of your company on the basis of your website response. So, to give the lasting impact, you need to work on speed as well.

Test and Improve

If you run a business website, you may want it to be a functional and user-friendly website along with the attractive design. However, before making it live, you need to run a test to check its functionality.

When you decide to revamp your website, keep some room to test and improve it to provide the best user experience. You can do it by testing it with A/B testing, user data collection, or keymaps.

Plus, focus on the areas that might need improvement even after redesigning. According to experts, you should treat your website as software that needs new features and enhancements.

Bottom Line

The website plays a crucial role whether you run a small or big business. But, it is also necessary to redesign it to improve functionality and user experience. When your website will run smoothly, you are likely to boost traffic which ultimately benefits your business in the long run.